Minecraft Cascade Map
A giant Minecraft map of the central Cascade mountains of Washington State. 16,640 x 18,432 blocks! Includes Snoqualmie Pass area, Snow Lake and plenty of other alpine lakes, Keechelus Lake, Kachess Lake, Lake Easton, Chester Morse Lake and Cedar River Watershed, Howard A Hanson Reservoir and Green River Watershed, Stampede Pass area, Greenwater area, Little Naches valley, and more! There are currently two variants: Summer has no snow, and Winter has snow at the usual elevations for the region during a winter storm. Screenshots below.
- This map is huge! It’s over 4GB in size. You definitely want to have at least 8GB of memory allocated to Java.
- The scale is about 1:3 so you almost certainly want Distant Horizons mod installed with a render distance of at least 128 (256 recommended)! I also highly recommend the following mods: C2ME, Sodium, Noisium (Improves Distant Horizons performance), and Faster Random (Improves Distant Horizons performance).
- The map is currently NOT survival friendly (no resources, ores, etc anywhere) because it’s not really that kind of map and it will take half a day to generate those things in that case. Contact me at sean@seandev.org and if there’s enough interest in it I will release survival friendly versions.
- Tested in 1.21.1
Approximate Covered Map Area:

Summer Variant: Cascade.zip
Winter Variant: Snowy Cascade.zip
Summer variant WorldPainter project: Cascade.world
Winter variant WorldPainter project: Snowy_Cascade.world

